Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Can Logo


  1. This label seems like it is an unfinished product to me, much more of a work in progress. I think this would be a great place to start experimenting with fonts and using them to enhance or even complete your design. The "Teeth In A Can" graphic works nicely but maybe the rest of the label could be a contrasting color to the blue, using orange instead of purple would definitely give this some pop!

  2. The framing of the main surface helps draw the eye to it. The word TEETH is simple and eye catching. You may want to remove the outline from the word TEETH so the word is more visible or use a wider bolder font. You also want to consider making the background the tooth is on a different color to increase contrast.

  3. I really like the illustration of the tooth and just how terrifying the concept of "teeth in a can" actually is. The only thing I would say to change is the fact that it looks more like a billboard advertisement than a can label. Perhaps you could add a nutritional value sticker-like thing. Nice work thus far!

  4. There is something about the blue and purple that conflicts. I like that shapes are repeated and the product picture. Play more with that. All the basic elements are on this can, but they need more umph. Up the contrast! I worry a lot about the white writing. That would be really hard to read if actually printed.

  5. I think the tooth is the best part. The title is a little confusing and hard to read because even though teeth/tooth is the largest part people still read from left to right.Also this works well as an advertisement but if you were to actually wrap it around that would be a lot of purple. i love the front though. great job.

  6. I love the tooth and the colors used. I had trouble reading the title for a minute because I couldn't see what came next because I see the word 'teeth' first. I also like the shape of the label itself

  7. I like your label! It reminds me of an ad that is on TV late at night. haha, it is a great start though! The tooth image really draws you in and let's you realize what your product is all about. The title is a little confusing.. the "in a can" part is hard to follow. I love your idea, very funny... and appealing
