Monday, March 23, 2009

Safe sex advertisement

This is a very powerful advertisement in the fact that it is so literal. These people are literally crash test dummies and they are obviously being intimate with each other.
This is an ad for aids awareness. Safe sex is the way to go is the point of these ad's. The amount of people infected with HIV in the District of Columbia has risen 20% in the last 2 years. There really is no excuse for this, its crazy. People should be aware that there lives are in danger when you aren't practicing safe sex when not in a monogamous relationship. Your life is literally on the line when you aren't safe.
This ad is effective in getting peoples attention because of the dummies that are in it. It is really eye catching to see them this way because they aren't in a car being smashed into a wall. They are being sexual with each other. It is interesting to see the people figures as plastic dummies in two ways. The first being they are plastic, plastic representing condoms and its funny that they are generally called "dummies". The point of this is to show that you are a dummy if you don't practice safe sex.
The position of the people in this ad is to show that they are being sexually active and the point is to be safe. The red background is sensual showing intimacy and the red ribbon is the model for this cause. They are both effective in this ad because of the meaning. "Its your life, Not a crash test" is a very powerful statement in how it is so real. You have one life, and one only, so why waste it on not being conscious of the decisions you make?

Thank you!

New School Advertisement

Monday, March 16, 2009

Adidas Advertisement

I love this Adidas advertisement because of the awesome design. The use of color is really eye catching and appealing with the contrast of the black background. The word "Adidas" is the perfect contrast in that it is white, against the black background. The colors in the trail of the shoe are reminiscent of one of the Apple computer screen savers. Extremely fluid and vibrant in movement and color bring this advertisement to life.
The size of the shoe is appealing as well because it doesn't fill the whole layout. I feel that it would be too distracting with all the colors and movement. The negative space filled in with black has just the right amount of space. The placement of the shoe is great too, centered and aligned with the text moves the eye in just the right areas.
This also has a young and fun appeal to it. This generates a free spirit feeling. It says you can wear vibrant colors in all shades and hues with just about anything. I get the feeling that if I wear these shoes I feel young and fresh and could wear these "kicks" with just about anything and get away with it.
I think that this advertisement is strong in the movement of the "tail" with all the vibrant colors. The contrast of the black and white versus the colors is eye popping and interesting. This advertisement is appealing to youth and I'm pretty sure that statistically, more youth see advertisements every day that market towards them. If these are successful, thats good news for business.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009