Sunday, January 25, 2009

Design Crit 1

I thought this image from the Body Shop was strong in many ways so I chose it for this critique. I work at the Body Shop and have always appreciated the advertisements because they are so powerful and unique in their concepts and ideas. They don't want to just "fit in" with competitors, they want to stand out and have a voice. I love that about the company.
This image in particular is appealing to me because of the contrast in colors. The bright blue sky and the pure white clouds make the foregrounds green cactus really pop. It really makes me think clean, crisp nature. And that's absolutely what this advertisement is trying to say. Nature is strong, but is also in danger, and promoting the preservation is the goal. The angle of the photograph is appealing to me as well because it makes the cactus look extreme, tall and healthy.
I think this is a strong, unique and appealing advertisement and is successful in its outreach for customers.

1 comment:

  1. Good observations. What about the overall composition of the black area on the bottom and the color area on top? What about the arrangement of type and fonts?
