Friday, January 30, 2009

Photo Essay



I am working on an acorn in my ceramics class and I was inspired by the life I am giving to clay. I think its interesting that you can create something out of nothing. Just like these photographs. They are merely just documents of our memories but can be read as so much more when you edit them to say what you want. The story you can tell by editing photos is really interesting. In this photo essay I wanted the viewer to see a peak of the process of my project. Everything from just seeing a ball of clay, shaping it, refining the details and finally the finished acorn! I thought that my original photographs were nice but very "documented" looking. I wanted to show the fun you can have making art with clay so I decided to crop the areas of interest so it was more detailed by using photoshop. I love color so I incorporated it by playing with hue and saturation as well as the photo filter option on photoshop (which I love). I also had a hard time only choosing only four photos to tell a story, I took quite a few and really had to edit them down. I hope to gain more insight on the use of photo essays as an art and manipulating the readers attention by using photoshop.

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